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WIAN Studios
WIAN Studios
Buffalo Heavy Leather Flogger
A beautiful rich black, it's a thick and supple hide, on the regular handle, and it's built for thud. On a scale of 1 to 10 (Velvety Soft to Very Heavy Thud) this would be an 8, with little sting.
WIAN Studios
Short Deer hide Flogger
Black diamond braid handle. This one will be wonderful for lighter, more sensual play. On a scale of 1 to 10 (Velvety Soft to Very Heavy Thud) this would be a 3, with next to no sting.
WIAN Studios
Cowhide Flogger Heavy
These floggers are built for sting. The cowhide leather is supple, dense and are cut thinner, so the impact can/will be intensely stingy. Diamond braid handle. Scale 1 to 10, this will be an 8+ with heavy sting.
WIAN Studios
Cat O Nine Round Braid
The subtle combination of black and purple is gorgeous, effective and intense. The Cat-O-Nine are crafted with a very stingy impact in mind. Black diamond braided handle. Scale 1 to 10, this will be an 9 with heavy sting.
WIAN Studios
Elk Leather short Floggers
A gorgeous small black elk flogger. Perfect for 'tender bits'. Thick black tails. Luscious in every sense. On a scale of 1 to 10 (Velvety Soft to Very Heavy Thud) this would be a 5 with next to no sting.
WIAN Studios
Cowhide Short Floggers
These floggers are made of lighter weight and softer leathers. They are intended for a wonderful warm-up or soft sensual play and would be an excellent choice for someone who doesn't like heavy impact. Diamond braid handle.
WIAN Studios
Cowhide Medium Flogger
A good combination of thud and sting flogger. However it is important to note that it will feel stingy before it feels thuddy. This is due to a cowhide smooth finish leather. The handle is beautifully crafted with a diamond braid style.
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